postEvent 函数
向 "Extension" 事件流发送 eventKind
类型的事件,附带 eventData
如果 extensionStreamHasListener 为 false,则此方法为空操作。重写 stream
来设置事件应发送到的目标流。该 stream
不能以下划线开头,也不能是核心 VM 服务流。
void postEvent(String eventKind, Map eventData,
{@Since('3.0 ') String stream = 'Extension'}) {
const destinationStreamKey = '__destinationStream';
// Keep protected streams in sync with `streams_` in runtime/vm/
// `Extension` is the only stream that should not be protected here.
final protectedStreams = <String>[
if (protectedStreams.contains(stream)) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
stream, 'stream', 'Cannot be a protected stream.');
} else if (stream.startsWith('_')) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
stream, 'stream', 'Cannot start with an underscore.');
if (!extensionStreamHasListener) {
// TODO: When NNBD is complete, delete the following two lines.
checkNotNullable(eventKind, 'eventKind');
checkNotNullable(eventData, 'eventData');
checkNotNullable(stream, 'stream');
Map mutableEventData = Map.from(eventData); // Shallow copy.
mutableEventData[destinationStreamKey] = stream;
String eventDataAsString = json.encode(mutableEventData);
_postEvent(eventKind, eventDataAsString);