decodeAudioData 方法
- ByteBuffer audioData, [
- DecodeSuccessCallback? successCallback,
- DecodeErrorCallback? errorCallback
Future<AudioBuffer> decodeAudioData(ByteBuffer audioData,
[DecodeSuccessCallback? successCallback,
DecodeErrorCallback? errorCallback]) {
// Both callbacks need to be provided if they're being used.
assert((successCallback == null) == (errorCallback == null));
// `decodeAudioData` can exist either in the older callback syntax or the
// newer `Promise`-based syntax that also accepts callbacks. In the former,
// we synthesize a `Future` to be consistent.
// For more details:
final completer = Completer<Object>();
var errorInCallbackIsNull = false;
void success(AudioBuffer decodedData) {
final nullErrorString =
'[AudioContext.decodeAudioData] completed with a null error.';
void error(DomException? error) {
// Safari has a bug where it may return null for the error callback. In
// the case where the Safari version still returns a `Promise` and the
// error is not null after the `Promise` is finished, the error callback
// is called instead in the `Promise`'s `catch` block. Otherwise, and in
// the case where a `Promise` is not returned by the API at all, the
// callback never gets called (for backwards compatibility, it can not
// accept null). Instead, the `Future` completes with a custom string,
// indicating that null was given.
if (error != null) {
// Note that we `complete` and not `completeError`. This is to make sure
// that errors in the `Completer` are not thrown if the call gets back
// a `Promise`.
} else {
errorInCallbackIsNull = true;
var decodeResult;
if (successCallback == null) {
decodeResult =
JS("creates:AudioBuffer;", "#.decodeAudioData(#)", this, audioData);
} else {
decodeResult = JS(
"#.decodeAudioData(#, #, #)",
convertDartClosureToJS(success, 1),
convertDartClosureToJS(error, 1));
if (decodeResult != null) {
// Promise-based syntax.
return promiseToFuture<AudioBuffer>(decodeResult).catchError((error) {
// If the error was null in the callback, but no longer is now that the
// `Promise` is finished, call the error callback. If it's still null,
// throw the error string. This is to handle the aforementioned bug in
// Safari.
if (errorInCallbackIsNull) {
if (error != null) {
} else {
throw nullErrorString;
throw error;
// Callback-based syntax. We use the above completer to synthesize a
// `Future` from the callback values. Since we don't use `completeError`
// above, `then` is used to simulate an error.
return completer.future.then((value) {
if (value is AudioBuffer) return value;
throw value;